Message from the Owner

The U. S. economy hit a slump during the pandemic. With everyone forced to stay home, we experienced an artificial depression. Being an e-commerce shop, Otter Things didn’t incur a huge drop in sales, but we were concerned about our new and loyal customers. So, we held off any price increases to help our otter lovers during hard times.

We worked diligently to fulfill our orders and get them to our customers as fast as possible. Although, we still noticed delays in our production and shipping, much like other industries. Our printing associates had to make things safe for their workers by limiting the number of employees working at one time and maintaining social distancing, but they still had to keep up production. Even the shipping companies and postal service struggled with the new policies for health safety, causing delays in deliveries.

As we progressed closer to normal, we noticed that the economy wasn’t bouncing back as it should. Instead of returning to work and building the economy to pre-Covid heights, we are now seeing inflated prices across many industries, and the consumers feel the pinch.

Even though Otter Things will likely have to pay more for producing our whimsical otter wares, we intend on holding our prices at our current rates. We don’t feel it is prudent to pass our costs on to our loyal customers at this time.

Otter lovers shouldn’t have to take a beating in this economy. It’s hard enough to find great otter wares since there are so few companies providing them. So, please enjoy your shopping experience at Otter Things knowing that we care about our customers and still have their backs during hard times.


Angela T. Baron
Owner & Illustrator
Otter Things®

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